
A place for our Sudofy's Developers to share their knowledge.

We Conduct Session every 2 to 3 weeks on latest Technology trends. Outsiders are currently not allowed but can grant access prior to an STS


Author Technology Date Docs Slide
Amin Ahmed Khan STS Intro 20-12-2017 Docs Slide
Alqama Bin Sadiq Async Await 04-08-2018 Docs Slide
Faraz Sarwar Service Workers 18-08-2018 Docs Slide
Faraz Sarwar Service Workers 2 15-09-2018 Docs Slide
Amin Ahmed Khan Hello (AWS) World 29-09-2018 Docs Slide
Faris, Aahad JS-MDN-01 20-09-2018 Docs Slide


Yoda: Conduct a session want you?

If you want to conduct any session. Just Shout out in the #STS channel on sudofy's slack workspace